Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Boys and their real Violence.

Violence, the negative expression of physical or verbal force aganist others. However, we tend to always think of males in violence not women. Right when we think of violence, we think of the male gender, rarely the women are thought of. I really think this is all not surprising, none of this actually shocks me. Because the media always protrays males doing all the violence, never women. We as a society is so use to this image that it never surprises us, what really surprises us is when women are involved in violence. However, even though majority of the percentage of violence are males, doesn't mean at all that all males are violent. And majority of percentage of violent victims are males. Females aren't involved in violence because they are protrayed as classy and majority of them keep themselves as classy.

Boys will be boys, what does this phrase actually mean?

I think this means that whenever a male does something bad, right away its okay cause boys are use to doing that, everyone is use to seeing that image. Boys just will be boys, no matter what.

1) Attitude is Everything

This is the theme where guys attitudes reflect everything they do. Advertisements can include violent images even for young male children and as well as an age. I think this really influences the attitude of males, especially at a young age.

2) The Cave Men Mentality
This theme uses famous violent male icons and "heros" from popular history. Demonstrating masculinity in male advertisements. For example: cowboys or pirates. Buy a marlboro and you too will look handsome and tough.

3) The New Warriors

Uses sport figures to enhance their ability of advertising. Usually these images include sport figures with weapons and always look really tough. The message is that violence is cool and okay to do. Once you do something with violence you're in, you're a real tough guy.

4) Muscles and the "Ideal Man"

This theme is all about the "ideal man" which is considered as a tall, muscular, handsome and tanned man; that apparently every guy wants to be and looks up to. Muscle is what makes more males buy the product being sold in the advertisement. The message that is being protrayed is buy this product and males can get muscular or that everyone male has to look like this, that there is no other way, you just have to look "jacked."

5) Heroic Masculinity

In these advertisements, they use heroic models to persuade consumers to buy their product. For example, using Arnold Schwarzenegger for the Terminator or even Al Pacino as Scarface or Sylvester Stallone as Rambo. Giving males the message if you buy this product you too will be tough and famous like these icons.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Actually Live or Actually Rehearsed

Much Music one of the greatest and famous Canadian English channel; that shows your favourite music and music related shows and everything about pop culture. One of the most famous show that airs on Much Music that involves fans and celebrities is Much On Demand (MOD). It always broadcasts live from Much Music studio on 299 Queen Street West, Toronto. Recently, the media class and a few others went to see a live production of Much On Demand, there was no celebrity on the show at that time but it was all request Friday.
In every show, there is always a producer and storyteller of the message and in Much On Demand, the storyteller is Much Music and Much Music is own by CTV. The purpose of Much on Demand is for celebrities to have a chance to talk to VJs' about almost anything and fans are able to seem them live if they choose to.The format of Much on Demand is on television and secondly online. The advantages of this format is it can be shown to many people live to just a click of a button and if you miss out you can always check it out on the next day or even online. Everything is just made very easy for people. The people that own Much Music and CTV make the most money off of everything being shown on that show. On Much on Demand there can be many messages perceived, however the specific message that is perceived in the Much On Demand that we attended to was the opinion of Kate Moss's weight, she recently said there was nothing wrong with her being skinny. People were able to tell their own opinion, however the VJ's wanted someone that could agree with Kate Moss, but nobody really did. They made some agree with Kate Moss's statement. The healthy messages that are communicated through this message are that everyone has their own opinion, however the unhealthy message that is communicated is sending the wrong messages to others about being unhealthy skinny is alright for you. The methods and techniques used to make the message more attractive/believable were using average teens that people would believe more, not just celebrities. The lifestyle portrayed in the message is a rich, easy going, glamorous life. The clues are it is Kate Moss that they are talking about and even Much Music in general seems as that way. The intended audience is for youth culture meaning teenagers and young adults. You can tell this is the audience because of what they show and talk about and especially the music, it's what a lot of people listen to at a young age. I know what the message is because it's not that hard to tell what it is and I do not agree with this message. People might interpret this message differently by thinking Much On Demand is biased and don't support other opinions. From going to Much On Demand in a live production I now know that they rehearse everything, meaning nothing is really live, even the crowd is rehearsed to make it a perfection. There is nothing that I would not like to know, cause nothing is really that surprising when I was part of Much on Demand. I would like to know why they have to take so many commercial breaks, they can't even last five minutes without going on a commercial break. To verify and receive more reliable information you can go on or you could call the studio for more in depth information, they'll be gladly able to assist you in anyway. Overall, it was an amazing trip and hope to go again soon. :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I love lucy and the 50's.

The 1950's. Wow what an era. And documentaries, aren't they suppose to be boring and really informative with no excitement; creating the audience to fall asleep. At first, when receiving this era, I thought wow this is going to be a difficult era and not much to really write or let people know about. However, I was wrong there was quite a bit that had happened in this era then I can imagine. The biggest star came out in the 50's; Elvis Presley. Well made shows were introduced such as I Love Lucy or Leave it to Beaver. Overall, I thought we did a pretty good job on the documentary; it was well informative and had good videos added. However, I thought we could have done a better job if we added more videos of us speaking and in which it would create the video longer and a bit more exciting. If we were more in an atmosphere that was similar to the 1950's and did a documentary more in there it would be more exciting and interesting. People would be more attached to the documentary, in my own opinion. What was surprisingly successful was the videos we added to the documentary, which were a episode of I Love Lucy and parts from Grease, they fit in quite well and looked great in the video. Parts I found quite challenging were actually getting together to film more clips to add, we did not organize that too well, one of us were either sick and could not get together. I think if we got together it would have been a better documentary. At first, we planned out to dress up as a 1950's couple; one as a girl and the other as a boy and we would be at a restaurant where a lot of people back then hung out and we would talk about what they liked to do and so forth. However, we added a few clips of us talking about fabs, technology, entertainment and music. Also with music, other videos and as well as images.

Where to start from these other videos? All the documentaries that were shown were amazing, very well done. In my honest opinion, I thought every era that was shown was really good and I can't complain much about them. It was very interesting learning how generations changed and our generations are still changing. How much entertainment, technology, fashion and architecture and everything else has changed and is still changing. Even some fashions are making a comeback and are doing very well at it. But, nothing is staying the same. Every video was creative; none of them were boring they kept me interested till the very last second. It was very great seeing everyone's idea, everyone put so much effort into doing a great job and getting it done. I can completely tell that everyone's music was fitted in very well. I actually learned quite a bit on every era, definitely did not know about each era as much as I was informed from the documentaries. I was just amazed in all the results, great job media class. :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Girlfriend vs. I want to be your boyfriend. 2007 comparing to the 1970s?

Girlfriend-Avril Lavigne
"hey, hey, you, you, I dont like your girlfriend
no way, no way, i think you need a new one
hey, hey, you, you, I can be your girlfriend"

I Want to be your Boyfriend-The Rubinoos
"hey, you, I wanna be your boyfriend
trying to say I wanna be your number one
hey, you, I wanna be your boyfriend
gonna make you love me before i'm done"

Hello fellow bloggers. Copyright one of the worst things a singer or even a celebrity in general can do. Number one it can basically ruin your career if you take all the credit out of that song and refuse that it is someone else's song or idea. Number two you just don't do that it is of course illegal and others can press a lawsuit against you. And number three can't you just do your own thing not take other ideas, be creative; its not cool taking something that is not yours.

However, everyone has the ability to sue anyone for stealing their idea without giving some profit or letting others know that it's not their own idea. One case that is still a controversy is Avril Lavigne singing her hit single "Girlfriend" and The Rubinoos with their own song "I want to be your boyfriend." Tommy Dubar which is the founder of the band The Rubinoos claim that the young and "talented" singer Avril Lavigne's track "Girlfriend" shares a lot of resemblance to The Rubinoos song "I want to be your boyfriend." Avril claims that she has never even heard of that song or the BAND, so how can she copy it when she's never heard of anything about The Rubinoos. In my own opinion, I'm not a big fan of Avril Lavigne, I don't enjoy any of her music and I just don't enjoy her in general. But I strongly think that the two songs sound nothing alike and come to think of it I actually believe what Avril Lavigne has quoted about not taking anything from anyone and not ripping off anyone. Although both songs are singing about similar things such as Avril singing about telling a guy that he needs a new girlfriend and she can be his girlfriend. The Rubinoos are singing about wanting to be a boyfriend to one of his friends. The chorus of each song do sound a lot of like with the same type of beat going on. But come on, The Rubinoo was when? From the 1970s and Avril Lavigne's single is from 2007, there is obviously going to be a large difference in the beat, speed, rhythm and everything about it. "Girlfriend" speed is more quicker and upbeat compared to "I want to be your boyfriend" I really believe none of it sound alike although they do have the same concept, they don't sound alike and I once again strongly believe Avril Lavigne and I am not a fan of hers. In my own opinion, I think she somewhat broke the copyright conduct because as a singer you should always know about other songs out there that may sound familiar to yours meaning be aware. To some standards I think Avril Lavigne did plagiarize because she did use another singer's idea without giving them credit. I really do not think this will affect her image either if she is guilty or innocent because this song is very popular for example it had the most views on it's video about 127 million views and she also had very many other songs that people would listen to and sing along with. She is and always will be known for her "I don't care what other people think" ways.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Can I truly love the same sex?

Church bells ringing, people applauding with large smiles on their faces while the bride and bride make their way down the aisle. Let me say that again ..meanwhile the bride and bride are making their way down the aisle. Wait! Shouldn't it be the bride and groom? That does not make any sense of the newlyweds being a bride and bride. I could never imagine that happening, however it does happen. Same sex marriage does happen a lot and a lot of it happens in Canada. Do i think it is right? No I do not think it's right under any circumstances, but remember everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Everywhere people go, they see all different types of couples; African American and Caucasian or Hispanic and Caucasian or young and old. There is always different couples because they love each other. However, when there is a same sex couple; I really do not want to know what they were thinking. Why I do not think same sex marriage is right? Because it is not meant to happen, we were not put on earth to be married to the same sex. How can couples of the same sex reproduce meaning have babies? That's right it can not happen, you can not have your own baby with your "love". Being married to the same sex really destroys the family tradition of kids the wife and husband. If same sex marriage was legal in all countries, how would our next generation come, there would be no next generation. The population of our world would decrease, we cannot let that happen. People may believe that everyone should have the right to marry whoever they love, regardless if you're a woman marrying another woman or if you're a man marrying another man. I do not follow that because it's not meant to be and it is also against my religion to be gay. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. What has our society came upon that people are falling in love with same sex. It is not natural for same sex marriage to happen and the fact that our province (Ontario) legalized gay marriage, I think it definitely should be illegal in Ontario; gay marriage is illegal in some provinces but not all and same goes for United States of America; majority states gay marriage is illegal and some allow same sex marriage. Even though we have a freedom of speech and a freedom to love anyone we want to love. If same sex marriages is able to be legalized, why can't we do something different, something like free health care for everyone or allow everyone a chance to education. We cannot let something unnatural to happen, we have to keep real marriages meaning bride and groom, none of the same sex. Overall, just keep in mind everyone is entitled to their own opinion, a lot of people may have the complete opposite of my opinion, but it is completely fine. We can all respect each others opinions. To add in once more, same sex marriage should not happen and should be illegal everywhere.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I thought I told you; im a star

As I step out of my vehicle and make my out towards the school. Flashing lights of cameras and video cameras all of a sudden come out of nowhere. Following my every movement, so close to me that I can barely make any type of movements to get myself out of this mess of PAPARAZZI. Everyone is rushing straight towards me to get that "perfect" shot that is worth at least a thousand dollars. There were paparazzi everywhere, every place that I glimpsed at I could visualize paparazzi, my friends scurried to help me out and bring me inside safely. I would never think a song that I had created last year would become so famous this year, I cannot believe how fame can hit in seconds and become such a paparazzi scandal.

Every time I step out of my house or even walk down the street I see paparazzi everywhere; screaming my name asking me endless amounts of questions. I feel like my whole life has changed drastically and I cannot do much to change all of this. Whenever I see paparazzi or get ready to go out and I know that paparazzi will be there, I always feel obligated to looking my best meaning putting make up or wearing the PERFECT outfit or not doing anything that is "not" normal in other words picking out my wedgie or even looking at myself in the mirror. If I don't look good for the press or if I do something abnormal according to everyone, they will automatically judge me without a doubt. When the day is all done, I get home and I'm so glad to be out of the paparazzi world, I get to lay back and be myself. HOWEVER, that is not the end of my paparazzi fame, the same thing begins all over again the next day and the next day and the next day and I believe it will go on until my career is flat out. As I go to the nearest pharmacy store, I look at the magazine rack and look through about four completely different magazines and I noticed that my photo is in at least five pages of each magazine and I am not at all trying to brag or show myself off. I am just explaining how many magazines I am in and just from ONE song and all this I become an instant star. I also look at other celebrities and of course I'm not the only star that is in magazines and I noticed that Britney Spears has a lot of pages in the magazine as well, but way more than I do. I think to myself, wow does this woman ever get privacy in her life? Like has she ever not been watched by paparazzi? Then I compare myself to her and I think the absolute same, wow my is life is becoming that...the life of an instant star that gets followed by instant paparazzi. I cannot believe how Britney Spears could have gone through all of this, just one day has past and I'm already sick of it. I really feel like I don't have any more privacy meaning I can't do anything without being followed. Even though I should know that as a celebrity I should expect paparazzi everywhere. I am a celebrity and now I am in the paparazzi world. I think I do deserve some kind of privacy, I think the paparazzi are crossing limit; they have gone too far. I do not think myself or even other celebrities should be followed 24-7. It's not fair we deserve to live our own life without always worrying about paparazzi or what the paparazzi will do next. We are also people and we also deserve some privacy. If I cannot be silly with my friends at lunch or hang out with a boy without the press thinking that he is my boyfriend or not even being able to walk ANYWHERE without being swarmed by paparazzi, I think it has gone way to far.